DoubleDagger - Luxury Condos For the Poor
I don't think I remember any live musical performance I've ever seen more vividly as this song in October 2011. Double Dagger is renowned in hometown Baltimore - the infectious energy of their live performances is half their reputation. Unwittingly, I attended their last concert after nine years as a staple of Charm City's unorthodox music scene - certain to be an emotional experience for band and audience alike. I personally had never heard Double Dagger, only vaguely recognized the name, decided to go for lack of superior Friday-night plans. I had practically zero expectations. But god damn.
It was like walking in on a supernova. However many people were in there - a few dozen, a hundred, two hundred - didn't matter. Just one terrific churning of energy, a single undulating mosh of people and screams and arms (with elbows). I've got this incredibly lucid snapshot in my mind of Nolen Strals wrapping his limbs around a support pole, his sunburn-pink face screaming into the microphone. The cramped venue felt completely inadequate to contain the enthusiasm of the crowd or the band; nothing malignant, nothing hateful at all, just the force of hot-blooded people who loved the shit out of their city and its music. I can't ever hear this song without being immersed in all of it again.
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