Monday, April 1, 2013

King of Assmilk Flowers — Gnarlo (Tyler the Creator X Neutral Milk Hotel)

A gnarlo mashup of Neutral Milk Hotel's King of Carrot Flowers with Tyler the Creator's Assmilk. Like all good mashups, it adds much-needed context to both songs. They are seemingly unrelated; King is about Anne Frank and her explorations of love and prepubescent sexuality; it's taboo and sweet and slightly uncomfortable, but also terribly sentimental. Assmilk is classic OFWGKTA, vulgar and violent and stunningly clever; its trespasses of good taste, its homophobia and misogyny and horrible violent imagery must be forgiven as part of its camp, its self-awareness, its intentions to shock; underneath all this it's a fucked-up exploration of sex and sexuality, and so the two songs do go together. Assmilk gains far better backing instrumentation; King gains an edge. Together they are magical — who thought to combine these, but also functional, wow, this works!

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