Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How You Remind Me — Nickelback (Motown cover)


I think the fundamental issue with a band like Nickelback is that, on some base level, they're a fine band. The songs, judging lyrically, chord sequences, riffs and structure and presentation and theatricality, it's all fine — or at least sub-par. But nothing about the songs themselves are bad. It's something else — the in-your-face production, or maybe Chad Kroeger's name or face or hair.

But to take the songs themselves and transform them into another genre, to take the fine lyrics and fine chords and fine riffs and dynamics and transplant them into Motown, an incredible kind of music, that's brilliant. That's open-heart surgery. That's incredible. And it works! The lyrics sound more significant, or at least less vapid. The instrumentals are basically the same, but the change in instrumentation and production makes all the difference. Let this be a lesson.

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