Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sexfaldur — Amiina

I'm not here to write about the restorative powers of music (one can only hope). As it is, I'm sick. I came down with a headache, fever, some tummy stuff, the whole works. Happened during class. I have a midterm tomorrow and then a redeye Saturday morning at 4am. Not too happy about it.

As it is, my nerves and nervous system are shot. So the only thing I can listen to (or do, really) is retread old music. My body rejects new music like a white blood cell; it's too unfamiliar and strange, I can't tell where it's going.

But I know Amiina, and it's the perfect bedside music. It's slow and calming, but there's stuff happening. Icelandic ambient classical with bells, whatever. The point isn't what they did, or even how they did it. This is music being used as a tool by the me, the listener, and I wonder if bands know (I imagine they'd have to) how many people they touch. This is music I've listened to at three a.m. when I couldn't sleep, or didn't want to; this is music I've listened to when I'm sick or when I'm sad, or even when I'm deliriously happy. It's soothing and encompassing, and maybe there's a specific thing about it — the tempo, or the timbre, or the chord progressions. But it works wonders.

1 comment:

  1. This song is really awesome. I think you might like the band Explosions in the Sky, their song Remember Me as a Time of Day is my favorite, Your Hand in Mine is also really good.

    Here is the link in case you are interested

    your blog is cool, keep the posts coming!
