Microsampling! This crazy fucker samples millisecond bytes of the radio and chains it all together, and somehow it works, like a collage of sound. It's just long enough to make out timbres, maybe what instrument; never what song or station or voice is being sampled. It's very disconcerting at first listen — which this is. This is new music, and I'm judging on first listen.
Moreover, the effect that the samples give is — well, hard to follow. It jumps around, and once your ear gets used to the technique, it's fascinating. If you've ever (I can proudly say I have) been really tired and stared at carpet fibers for five minutes, you'll see that little everyday things have incredible detail in them, and that you can always pick one thing and keep focusing. So this music is a fractal — it rewards listening on every level of attention — at the measure level, and the structure level, and the sample level. Each tiny bit is perfect, and sometimes they overlap, or cut out, or have big gaps of silence, and it's fascinating.
[...] by acoustic guitar. It breaks in and out of genres, cuts out partway, but it is not produced. Afuken is produced samples, but The Books sound organic. This is computer-made music, and it reflects the [...]