Friday, May 10, 2013

Girl In The War — Josh Ritter

The first music dumps of my youth, flash drives carried in the keys pocket of my jeans from Brooklyn home each month for a year — a friend, older, with a full library that years of experience gives, living in an apartment, working and feeding himself and living free, after college, and this is what he listens to. Is his music prescriptive or descriptive? High schoolers, college kids, you can ask — are you happy with your life? How are you feeling? What's wrong? They have time left to change, to fix, to build. But adults, in steady jobs with steady girlfriends and steady apartments; habits and TV shows and bars, you can't ask them.

So, was his music prescriptive or descriptive? If he listens to silly music, is it because he's silly or because he's afraid he's losing the silly parts of him with age? If he listens to sad music, does he like the balance or does he really feel sad? If he listens to strange vague folk, like this — sad and happy, poetry and Americana, reminiscent of another time and place, not a flat in Brooklyn — is he longing for it, does he miss it, or is it just variety? How should I use my music as a tool, and how does he, a real adult?

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